
Restoration Software

…Gus came out of the motel bathroom, a palmful of hair dripping on the chipped tile. The long strands, a bushy, tangled mess, spilled in all directions. “It’s… sticky. Like pine tar or something.” Jonah wondered why he even picked it up.

He fumbled his phone, dropped it, fired its beam on the ceiling. “I saw something. It… was looking at me.”

“The woman’s here?”

“It was an ‘it.’ And it moved.”

From Down & Out Books’
The Killing Rain

Match Wits with Seattle’s Finest!

Seattle’s crime rate doesn’t fluctuate whether or not Pearl Jam is on tour. But more crimes are solved when the multimillion-record-selling quintet is off the road. That’s because their singer, Eddie Vedder, is home and ready to help detectives clear their thorniest cases.

Can YOU Solve the Crimes Faster Than Eddie Vedder?

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